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I Stock 1362838828 JMJ blog JUN2024

Combine Hobbies, Volunteering for More Purpose in Retirement

If you're a retiree, orienting your volunteer work around the things you do best could help you find new meaning and satisfaction in your hobbies, while also creating new social connections that will deepen your retirement experience. Learn more about the types of synergies that retirees can create between what they LOVE to do and what their community needs.

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I Stock 1209818907 PLM Blog

You CAN Know What You Don’t Know

Want to feel like a true Superwoman? Try checking off your household to-do list all by yourself! Take it from me, there are many valuable "life skills" that all women (married, single, divorced, widowed, or care-giver) should know, or at least become familiar with (aka, know the right questions to ask). Find out more from my lessons learned.

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I Stock 823660872 JAB Blog FINAL

New U.S. Law Mandates Reporting of Beneficial Owners

Since 1990, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has been a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. They are tasked with promoting national security and safeguarding our financial system by combatting financial crimes like money laundering and terrorist financing.

As of January 1, 2024, FinCEN has been given a new responsibility. Under the Corporate Transparency Act of 2021, FinCEN is now collecting required reports from U.S. companies that identify their beneficial owners and detail information. Is your business or entity one that is now required to report beneficial owners? Learn more.

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Women Investors: Take Advantage of Financial Opportunities in Every Decade of Your Life

Women face unique financial challenges throughout their lives: the gender pay gap, taking time off work for caregiving, and having a longer life expectancy, to name a few. Each stage of life presents a different set of financial considerations and decisions — and getting them correct is important to living your "good life". Learn more.

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Steedle Blog Image FINAL

Any Life Transition Can Be Handled If You Have This

Transitions — life is FULL of them. They can be planned or unexpected, but they are always "side-steps" in your journey of life. Which means, the way you handle them dictates if a transition becomes a mere speed bump to navigate or, conversely, an abyss that will swallow you if you allow it. What's the best asset to have to ensure your success with transition? Find out!

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Male student picking a book in a library

5 Money-Saving Tips for Freshmen Navigating the College Bookstore

College is expensive, but the bookstore is one area where you can cut costs. Here are five money-saving tips for college freshmen navigating the bookstore.

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I Stock 517184982 FINAL KMS blog 7 6 23 BLOG version

Secure Your Financial Freedom: The Power of a Comprehensive Financial Foundation Review

At McKinley Carter, we understand that true financial freedom extends beyond wealth accumulation; it lies in the strength of your financial foundation. That's why we take great pride in offering a service that goes above and beyond the norm — a comprehensive review of your financial foundation that sets us apart from our competitors. Imagine your financial foundation as a shield, protecting your wealth, dreams, goals, and aspirations from unforeseen circumstances and enabling you to navigate life's uncertainties with confidence. At its core, this shield is made up of three pillars, each vital in fortifying your financial plan: the in-depth estate plan review, the comprehensive insurance review, and the annual financial LifePlan review. Learn more.

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Messy Kids

New Parents: Avoiding Financial Messes May Prove Much Easier Than Other Clean-ups Ahead

All new parents know life changes in many new, exciting, and even exhausting ways. Although we can't provide tips on how best to avoid crayon wall art, we can help you avoid possible financial "messes" by reviewing these four key areas. Check it out.

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I Stock 1271121301 JHW Blog saving copy 800px

Summer: A Great Time to Teach Kids Smart Money Habits

As a professional financial advisor and father of three young children, I’m often asked about ways to teach kids about money and good savings habits. With the lazy days of summer ahead, I consider it a great time to share two of my favorite “real world” methods for teaching kids to be smart about money, both of which get high marks from parents. Learn more.

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