A well-thought-out Request for Proposal process helps nonprofits find a financial advisor who is committed to their mission, all with less stress involved.
Following "Robert’s Rules" is essential for nonprofit board meetings. Learn how they make a difference in decision-making and productivity for the board.
What are the self-imposed roadblocks that prevent you from volunteering? Learn how to overcome them so you can make a real difference in your community.
Nonprofits are always trying to forge engagement and relationships with a potential client, donor, or volunteer. Through a story you provide a window into your world; the needs of your organization; who and how you help serve your community; and why it matters to the audience. Learn more.
If you are an Executive Director or serve as a Board leader, you may have encountered an unengaged board member who no longer contributes to your organization in a meaningful way. Learn four measures that will
Knowing and appropriately cultivating your major donor prospects should be an ongoing practice for all nonprofit organizations. Learn how to create an actionable plan for each of the five donor archetypes.