Many people find enjoyment in service on boards of directors for their favorite non-profit organizations. The most effective boards seem to have a thoughtful and strategic approach to selecting their directors with the intentions of achieving and maintaining an appropriate balance of skills, experiences, and interests that serve the organization’s interests very well. This issue is particularly important among selection of officers for the board. Learn more.
Cybersecurity is a hot topic these days and news headlines about cyber attacks and hackers are quite common. The nonprofit world is not immune to such attacks. In fact, recent statistics reveal two truths for nonprofits: (1) the frequency of cyber incidents is increasing and (2) nonprofits often lack proper cybersecurity protocols. Find out what areas are most vulnerable for nonprofits and how to safeguard your organization.
No one understands the impact of a dollar like non-profit organizations. Often, an organization’s ability to change the world for the better relies so much on the stream of donations to fund their mission. However all too often, pursuing that mission stops when an organization’s funding outpaces their needs and they turn their attention toward investing. It is now easier than ever to affect positive change in the world while still getting a return on invested capital.
McKinley Carter's Nonprofit Advisory Services division has been awarded certification from the Centre for Fiduciary Excellence, LLC (CEFEX) that demonstrates the firm's adherence to fiduciary best practices, signifying conformance to a recognized global standard of fiduciary excellence.
If you serve on a 501(c)(3) executive or finance committee, you are responsible for drafting and maintaining a sound Investment Policy Statement (IPS) for your organization. Did you know that there are many commonalities between a well-drafted IPS and the unique engineering advancements that Tesla has brought to the
automobile industry? Learn more.
Whether in portfolios of our own or for those for whom we have fiduciary responsibility, like our favorite non-profit organizations, it's important for us to remain aware of anticipated net distribution rates and investment returns for the asset allocation strategy selected for the portfolio's investments.
From an early age, we learn the fundamental principles of gathering and accumulating. Yet, most individuals and families in the U.S. freely give away their assets to support others. Here's a deeper dive into who, how, and why people give, along with some commonly held philanthropy myths and who benefits from the generosity.
Implementing a planned giving program can be overwhelming and costly. But it's important to let your donors and constituents know you are open for business and ready to accept charitable legacies through bequests and beneficiary designations. Learn more.