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Check out our 2Q2024 Market Review and Investment Outlook for the remainder of 2024

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Just Do Something

Photo of author, Brian Gongaware, CFP®, SE-AWMA™.
Brian Gongaware, CFP®, SE-AWMA™
Director of Advisory Services

As humans we feel compelled to take action when faced with a stressful situation. It is our impulse to want to change the situation, surroundings, or potential outcomes. While understandable, this instinct to do something, anything, can be dangerous and destructive in the long-term. By taking some Smart Actions, it can be easier to control unhelpful impulses and improve the probability of long-term success.

During the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, we hosted a series of webinars for our clients, friends, and family. In addition to providing economic and investment insights, we highlighted numerous Smart Actions we identified or were enacting for our clients.

Each of these strategies should be discussed with your advisor, but in the right circumstances, we are seeing great success by helping our clients take the following Smart Actions:

Smart Actions for Accumulators
We define Accumulators as clients that systematically are saving and investing as they continue to acquire more capital and/or financial resources.

Accumulators Smart Actions

Smart Actions for Business Owners and Executives
Business Owners and Executives have a series of decisions to make to sustain and develop the enterprise. Various federal programs and other considerations make these decisions even more complex today.

Business Owner Smart Actions

Smart Actions for Distributors
We think of distributors as those who are living off their capital by withdrawing up to 4% of their financial resources. As a result, their dependence on income and stability of the portfolio is a factor in managing the return and risk of a portfolio.

Distributors Smart Actions

Certainly, the Smart Actions above are not an all-encompassing list. However, they do represent many of the most common actions we have taken with clients. As previously stated, a discussion with your advisor is critical to determining the right course of action for you. Our financial advisors are well-versed in the unique challenges faced by our wealth management clients, and we have helped thousands of clients navigate uncertain times.

To watch the full webinar “Investment Strategies and Smart Actions to Consider”, please click here.

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