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McKinley Carter Named One of America's Best Workplaces!

Photo of Michael O'Brien

Michael O'Brien

Associate Financial Strategist

An associate financial strategist in the Wheeling office, Michael works directly with wealth management clients, helping them achieve their financial goals. He also serves as coordinator of our Tax & Legacy Specialized Practice Group.

Licensing and Education

  • Master of Business Administration West Virginia University
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Finance Wheeling Jesuit University
  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy Wheeling Jesuit University
  • Series 65

Accomplishments and Honors

Michael graduated summa cum laude from Wheeling Jesuit University, while also earning WJU’s Forest H. Kirkpatrick Award for high achievements in economics. He is currently sitting for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam having successfully completed three of the four sections. He is working toward earning the CPA designation in 4Q2024.

Community Involvement

In his free time, Michael enjoys spending time with friends and family, going to the gym, hiking and traveling. He is also a member of the Elks USA Lodge No. 28 in Wheeling and a member of the Wheeling Park High School Advisory Committee for Career Technical Classes Business Education.

Michael’s Articles
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The Role of Trusts in Estate Planning

Warren Buffett once said, “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” However, that tree didn’t just grow in the perfect place on its own. That kind of foresight requires careful planning.

Estate planning is crucial for securing your legacy and ensuring that your wishes are carried out regarding the distribution of your assets. Establishing a trust can be a key component of an effective estate plan. Trusts provide powerful tools for managing and distributing assets during and after your lifetime. What different roles can a trust play in your estate plan?

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The Power of a Roth IRA for Young Professionals

If you're a young professional, did you know a Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA) can help you build wealth and achieve your long-term financial goals? Find out more about investing in your future with a Roth IRA!

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Financial Collaboration Leads to Great Things for YOU

As a registered investment advisory firm or RIA, McKinley Carter does not provide accounting services. However, as fiduciaries, we continually monitor both state and federal tax laws and revisions. We are fortunate to have several experienced Certified Public Accountants (or CPAs) on staff, as well as benefit from the work of an internal, seven-member Specialized Practice Group that is completely dedicated to Tax and Legacy issues. Moreover, we regularly confer and collaborate with outside professional tax experts who take a deep-dive into the nuances of each tax law and any potential impact on our clients. We understand the importance of collaborating with accountants to ensure our clients know their options and get the most comprehensive tax advice and guidance.

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A women smiling in an office, meeting with a client.

Expect to Leave Invigorated.

Every conversation with McKinley Carter is an energizing experience, an opportunity to take your financial instincts and confidence to the next level—starting with the very first one.

Reach out for a consultation.