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Check out our 2Q2024 Market Review and Investment Outlook for the remainder of 2024

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The Life Insurance Riddle

One of the perks of being a financial advisor is that you get to share in the dreams and passions of your clients. You get to celebrate the milestones with them and, from time-to-time, you get to share some of the sorrow and pain they experience. It hasn’t happened often, but I have had to attend a few funerals when a client’s spouse unexpectedly passed away.

As advisors, there is little we can do to comfort these clients and help them grieve. This process is uniquely personal. However, we can help clients prepare; after all, that’s what we are really here for. The best way we can help our clients prepare for the unexpected is to ensure that they have the right type and amount of insurance, and to make sure we continue to review these coverages during our periodic meetings with our clients.

So, what type and amount of insurance should people have? That’s covered nicely in this article I found in Forbes Magazine.

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