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Fiduciary Types Banner

The Six Types of Fiduciaries in Retirement Plans You Need to Know

A retirement plan may have one or more fiduciaries who have distinct responsibilities, though many individuals and committees may serve in multiple fiduciary roles. Here is a brief overview of the categories of fiduciaries.

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SECURE Banner Image

SECURE Act 2.0: Key Changes for 2024

With SECURE Act 2.0, there are a few mandatory changes taking effect in 2024 that retirement plan sponsors will need to comply with. These provisions require sponsors to work with their advisors, recordkeepers, and providers to develop a strategy for incorporating them into their plan design, as well as dealing with the cost implications that come with it. Also, learn about some Technical Corrections to SECURE 2.0 issued to the Treasury Department.

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I Stock 1295819327 Spangler Blog USE

Do You Know the 80/20 Rule in Homeowners Insurance?

Have you heard of the 80/20 Rule? The 80% Rule is an insurance industry standard that stipulates policyholders must carry enough homeowners insurance to cover at least 80% of their home’s replacement cost. If a policyholder’s coverage falls below 80% of the home's replacement cost, the policyholder becomes a co-insurer in their loss, which can be a significant financial burden. Learn more

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Male student picking a book in a library

5 Money-Saving Tips for Freshmen Navigating the College Bookstore

College is expensive, but the bookstore is one area where you can cut costs. Here are five money-saving tips for college freshmen navigating the bookstore.

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JAE Savvy Blog Image copy USE

How Women Can Benefit from SECURE 2.0

It is no secret that the financial odds are stacked against women. Whether caused by life circumstances outside of their control, unfair perceptions, or chosen priorities, women, on average, have more financial stress to overcome than men. Stress of any kind can take its toll on your health and well-being.

SECURE Act 2.0 continues a push in legislation to address some of the financial stress points that women face. Learn which new potential stress-reducer might benefit you?

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FDIC Blog Banner Image

How is My Money Protected by FDIC and SIPC Insurance?

FDIC and SIPC insurance provide important protections to individuals and businesses in the banking and securities industries, respectively. FDIC insurance offers coverage for deposits at FDIC member banks, protecting the principal amount of the deposit in case of bank failures. SIPC insurance provides limited coverage for securities and cash held by customers of failed brokerage firms, helping to facilitate the recovery of assets in case of insolvency or fraud. Learn more.

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HUDDLE Investment Blog Banner Image

The Fed vs. the Consumer

Since the Federal Reserve began raising interest rates in March of 2022, there has been a pitched battle of “chicken” between the Fed and the average consumer. The Fed began raising rates about a year after inflation started a dramatic climb to its highest level in some 41 years. Those rate hikes have amounted to five percentage points on the Fed's benchmark to a level not seen since 2007. As a result, all sorts of loans tied to short-term interest rates have skyrocketed. These include credit card rates, home equity lines of credit, car loans, personal loans, and business loans.

The Fed has done its best to force higher borrowing rates on individuals and corporations in the hope that meaningful layoffs will follow, thus driving inflation down over time by lessening demand for products and services. What the Fed did not count on was the resilience of the U.S. consumer, who is experiencing solid wage growth and continues to spend on travel and dining out. Learn more about 2Q2023 and what may be ahead in remainder of 2023.

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Secure Your Financial Freedom: The Power of a Comprehensive Financial Foundation Review

At McKinley Carter, we understand that true financial freedom extends beyond wealth accumulation; it lies in the strength of your financial foundation. That's why we take great pride in offering a service that goes above and beyond the norm — a comprehensive review of your financial foundation that sets us apart from our competitors. Imagine your financial foundation as a shield, protecting your wealth, dreams, goals, and aspirations from unforeseen circumstances and enabling you to navigate life's uncertainties with confidence. At its core, this shield is made up of three pillars, each vital in fortifying your financial plan: the in-depth estate plan review, the comprehensive insurance review, and the annual financial LifePlan review. Learn more.

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Messy Kids

New Parents: Avoiding Financial Messes May Prove Much Easier Than Other Clean-ups Ahead

All new parents know life changes in many new, exciting, and even exhausting ways. Although we can't provide tips on how best to avoid crayon wall art, we can help you avoid possible financial "messes" by reviewing these four key areas. Check it out.

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